Monday, March 5, 2018

Uplink Trust is a Weakness ENG torrent

Uplink Trust is a Weakness ENG torrent

Uplink is the work of the English team Introversion Software. Allows players to transformation of a normal computer user a secret agent / hacker working for large international corporations. Our bread and butter will be hacking competitors, breaking into their systems, stealing industrial secrets, sabotage of work, and even blackmailing and threatening their employees. For every job well done get a certain amount of money that can be spent on the development of its hardware and the purchase of new software. Every new gadget increases our efficiency, and this greatly increases our reputation in the industry and therefore the price of services. 
Uplink main advantage is the level of realism. Game designers say they do not find anything here totally unrealistic. The whole game is based on the actual hacking, but for the average player everything is appropriately simplified. As a matter we can hack and modify everything everywhere, including: bank transfers to interfere with, modify files and data to people in police computers, and even we ourselves create dangerous viruses.


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