Monday, March 9, 2015

Keeping Active with New Baby

When a new one enters the family, it is very difficult to manage keeping up with your previously active lifestyle. Tending to the every needs and scheduling can be difficult and time consuming to juggle. On the other hand, ensuring the other kids are leading an active lifestyle can be hard to manage. As difficult as this may be, I have some ideas that might make everyone happy.

For Spouse:

Moms, I know how tiring it can be having an infant around. Especially in the first month, I am sure all you want to do is rest and you should. You need all the rest you can get but to much rest can be harmful as well. Instead try asking for help. The night before have your partner pack the bag. It should include everything you need from diapers and wipes to jump ropes and bubbles. Make sure it includes everything for every child. If you are going to take perishable snacks like carrot sticks, have them in the fridge in a set location. This way when it is time to get moving, all you have to do and grab and go. Making sure the kids are dressed is a big enough chore. Not having to worry about all this finer details will make everyone happier and less stressed in the morning. 

For Kids:

Kids understand more then we give them credit for. Let them know when it will be time to go out. Talk to them about the new baby. Explain that the baby needs to be home more for eating and resting. Let them know that although the new baby needs to be home a lot, there is still room for outdoor time. 

Dont be afraid to tell your kids a complex schedule either. Just set up a constant marker each day. For example if your baby is not on a schedule yet, you can tell your little ones, after baby is fed and napped in the morning, we will go out. Your kids will catch on to both yours and the babies schedules in no time. 

For Mom:

I saved the best for last. Pick a time of day that you usually have the most energy. I know for me, I fed the baby in the morning and napped with the baby. When the baby woke up, there was another feeding and then a family outing. I was reseted from the nap, the baby was fed and we had a good few hours of quality time. When we got back, everyone was tired and hungry for lunch. This allowed me to focus on baby and the kids were busy eating lunch. It was a win-win situation.

Hey now that your family has expanded, no one needs to feel confound to the house all day. Yes. being as active as you previously were may not be that easy to do, but finding a few hours a day can be done. If you really want some great tools to help keep you and your whole family active when out and about, I will keep you posted. On Tuesday, I have a great product that I think baby would love when out in the sun and on Wednesday, I have something that will make family walks and close outings easier. I will keep you all posted on Facebook.

How did you keep up with an active lifestyle after your little ones were born?

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