Wednesday, March 18, 2015


The war did not go as I had expected it to. But I am and will be trying unless I see where I want it to be. Um, no peace unless mid - January or so. Dont know if Ill get it then,even. This time the challenge is harder and the conditions better. But yes, you guessed it, right? Irregularities at the blog again. I am sorry for that. But I think I specified that in my life Ill never be able to be REGULAR here. Blogging is  like a moments peace to me. I way in which I can say the world what I think or feel. But youve got to understand. Sorry again. Mission for war starts today for me,without leaving a single day for what I want to do. Im stern here. And I am not going to change this decision. Taking a deep breathe, lets start my mission for the next days war.
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